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Fall Cleaning

It may not have a ring to it like “spring cleaning”, but it sure is essential to getting your back to school pants on. Whether the school year is something you want to celebrate or not, the cold weather is coming and it’s time to prepare. Here are some simple tips to prepare your home for the fall season.

Patio Furniture

Packing up and storing your patio is the first step to cleaning up your outdoors. Storing your patio furniture will prevent future mold and mildew from forming and will also allow your furniture to last a little longer. With summer, may come various patio ornaments. Keep them safe throughout the cold months by storing them away as well.


The next beast to conquer is your garage. Blame your kids for the constant activity or blame your husband for his new lawnmower purchase…with lots of outdoor activity, we all know how quickly your garage can get cluttered. Start by throwing away things you don’t need then move onto separating the things you need by season. Doing this will make season changes easier in the long run while also giving you enough room to park your vehicle in the garage.

Summer Toys

Now that fall is arriving, it’s time to take those summer toys and store them away. Give your garage some extra space and keep your summer toys in tip-top-shape so they are in perfect condition for next summer. After all, it would be nice to store your vehicle in the garage during those cold Wisconsin months. Additionally move inside the house and collect all summer toys that may be kept inside the home. This will give you a chance to declutter, or make room for the new toys that will make their way into your home this season!


Your savior, nightmare or everything in between…your closet. As dreadful as it is, it’s the perfect time to switch out your summer clothing to your fall and winter clothing. When you begin packing away summer clothes, make a keep bin and donate bin. We all know when next summer comes, we’ll want some new summer pieces so why donate the old to a good cause. Hitting every closet in your home will be the ultimate key to fall organization.

Fall cleaning may be a big task but you will thank yourself when the seasons begin to transition. Storing away your things when they aren’t being used will free up your space while also keeping them in perfect condition.

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